Azure Webinar Series: Migrate Web Apps with Azure Database for MySQL and Azure App Service

GCP DevOps tricks: Create a custom Cloud Shell image that includes Terraform and Helm
June 27, 2019
Introducing Equiano, a subsea cable from Portugal to South Africa
June 28, 2019
GCP DevOps tricks: Create a custom Cloud Shell image that includes Terraform and Helm
June 27, 2019
Introducing Equiano, a subsea cable from Portugal to South Africa
June 28, 2019

Migrate Web Apps | Microsoft Azure

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Thursday, June 27, 2019 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Pacific Time

Register for this webinar to learn more about migrating WordPress and Drupal applications using Azure App Service and Azure Database for MySQL. During the session, we’ll cover the steps involved with migrating and hosting your web applications on Azure.

You’ll also learn about:

  • Moving your applications using Azure Migrate and Azure App Service.
  • Setting up Azure Database for MySQL to move your data.
  • Scaling your web applications on a fully managed platform with App Service.
  • Securing your web applications with a virtual network on Azure and Azure Key Vault.

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