EMEA EN: Transports Publics Genevois Drives Cloud-Native Application Delivery with Red Hat
June 16, 2021
Get visibility into your environment with Azure governance visualizer
June 16, 2021In times of significant disruption, organizations are faced with three choices: Retrench within legacy solutions, pause and do nothing while waiting for more data or different circumstances, or press ahead, potentially even accelerating to realize the desired outcome. In such an environment, it is critical to ensure you’re delivering the greatest possible impact to the business.
In Google Cloud’s Office of the CTO, or OCTO, we have the privilege of co-innovating with customers to explore what’s possible and how we can re-imagine and solve their most strategic challenges. These collaborative innovation engagements are often core to critical transformational projects, which often include the rehosting, evolution, and at times re-architecture of existing business solutions.
We are happy to offer this brand new white paper, where we have distilled the conversations we’ve had with CIOs, CTOs, and their technical staff into several frameworks that can help cut through the hype and the technical complexity, to help devise the strategy that empowers both the business and IT. We called one such framework “up or out.” (And we don’t mean some consulting firm’s hard-nosed career philosophy.)
One model that we found can help enterprises chart their cloud adoption journey delineates cloud migration along two axes–up and out, and we’ll cover this in much greater detail in the white paper itself.