Microsoft Azure Training Day: Migrating Applications to the Cloud
September 26, 2019
Azure Security Expert Series Empower Your Security Operations with Azure Sentinel
September 26, 2019If you use continuous integration (CI) or continuous delivery (CD) as part of your development environment, being able to configure and trigger builds based on different repo events is essential to creating git-based advanced CI/CD workflows and multi-environment rollouts. Customizing which builds to run on changes to branches, tags, and pull requests can speed up development, notify teammates when changes are ready to be merged, and deploy merged changes to different environments.
Today, millions of developers collaborate on GitHub. To help make these developers more productive, we are excited to launch enhanced features to the Cloud Build GitHub App. Here is a list of the advanced capabilities you gain with Cloud Build’s new features.
Trigger builds on specific pull request, branch, and tag events
When integrating with GitHub via the app, you can now create build triggers to customize which builds to run on specific repo events. For example, you can set up build triggers to fire only on pull requests (PRs), pushes to master, or release tags. You can further specify different build configs to use for each trigger, letting you customize which build steps to run depending on the branch, tag, or PR the change was made to.
You can further customize build triggers by configuring them to run, or not run, based on which files have changed. This lets you, for example, ignore a change to a README file, or only trigger a build when a file in a particular subdirectory has changed (as in a monorepo setup). Lastly, for PRs, an optional feature lets you require a comment on the PR to trigger a build, such that only repo owners and collaborators, and not external contributors, can invoke a build.
If you already use the build trigger feature within Cloud Build, many of these options will look familiar. With this update, we are extending build triggers to support new capabilities, such as GitHub PR events, to developers who use GitHub and want more granular control to create advanced CI/CD pipelines with Cloud Build.