Improving speech recognition for contact centers
July 23, 2019
Microsoft’s Marketplace Roadmap: July Updates
July 23, 2019Applying GIS functions to geographic data (including lat/long, city, state, and zip code) lets analysts perform geographic operations within BigQuery. You can more easily answer common business questions like “Which store is closest for this customer?” “Will my package arrive on time?” or “Who should we mail a promotion coupon to?”
You can also now cluster your tables using geography data type columns. The order of the specified clustered columns determines the sort order of the data. For our hurricane example, we clustered on `iso_time` to increase performance for common reads that want to track the hurricane path sorted by time.
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AEAD encryption functions are now available in Standard SQL
BigQuery uses encryption at rest to help keep your data safe, and provides support for customer managed encryption keys (CMEKs), so you can encrypt tables with specific encryption keys you control. But in some cases, you may want to encrypt individual values within a table. AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) encryption functions, now available in BigQuery, allow you to create keysets that contain keys for encryption and decryption, use these keys to encrypt and decrypt individual values in a table, and rotate keys within a keyset.
This can be particularly useful for applications of crypto-deletion or crypto-shredding. For example, say you want to keep data for all your customers in a common table. By encrypting each of your customers’ data using a different key, you can easily render that data unreadable by simply deleting the encryption key. If you’re not familiar with the concept of crypto-shredding, you’ve probably already used it without realizing it–it’s a common practice for things like factory-resetting a device and securely wiping its data. Now you can do the same type of data wipe on your structured datasets in BigQuery.
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Check out a few more updates worth sharing
Our Google Cloud engineering team is continually making improvements to BigQuery to accelerate time-to-value for our customers. Here are a few other recent highlights:
You can now run scheduled queries at more frequent intervals. The minimum time interval for custom schedules has changed from three hours to 15 minutes. Faster schedules means fresher data for your reporting needs.
The BigQuery Data Transfer Service now supports transferring data into BigQuery from Amazon S3. These Amazon S3 transfers are now in beta.
Creating a new dataset? Want to make it easy for all to use? Add descriptive column labels within SQL using SQL DDL labels.
Clean up your old BigQuery ML models with new SQL DDL statement support for DROP MODEL.
In case you missed it
For more on all things BigQuery, check out these recent posts, videos and how-tos:
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